United Episcopal Catholic Communion, The Solomonic Order of St.Michael the Archangel

Archbishop Michael R Vendegna S.O.S.M.A
Former Prior General  and Founder 

Archbishop Michael R. Vendegna, the Prior General of The Solomonic Order of Saint Michael the Archangel, founded the Order on July 19, 2017. Before establishing the Order, he had served as the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of the Sacred Heart and the Diocese of St. Michael The Archangel in the United States. Despite retiring from the priesthood, he maintained his holy orders and dedicated himself to the Order. The Order follows the precepts of loyalty to God and devotion to the Order, following the traditions of the Council of Trent and the Roman Catholic Church. Archbishop Michael R. Vendegna was a man of great dedication to God and his work within the Order. As stated in Deuteronomy 33:27, the eternal God is our refuge, and we are under his never-ending protection.

Vicar General of International S.O.S.M.A / Exorcist
Arz. Gustavo Nazarí
Q.E.P.D. 1974-2022

On May 13, 2022, we sadly announce the passing of our beloved brother and Vicar General of the International Order. It is with heavy hearts that we share this news. Our dear brother will join our Lord and the Saints in eternal rest. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones during this difficult time.
The United Episcopal Catholic Communion, Solomonic Order of Saint Michael the Archangel Religious Order, was founded on September 1, 2017, by former Prior General Rev. Archbishop Vendegna and former Rev. Archbishop Rawcliffe. After the passing of the founder, Fr. Kenneth Torres, D.D. took over leadership.

Our monastery-based church, affiliated with the Solomonic Order of St. Michael the Archangel (S.O.S.M.A.), is in San Francisco, California. We are open to all faiths and walks of life and operate as a Monastery, Home Base Ministry, and Virtual Ministry.

S.O.S.M.A. has an Arch Diocese in San Francisco and another in California, with a new Diocese in Columbia, South America, led by Archbishop Father Cristian Camilo Piedrahita. Archbishop Kenneth Torres oversees the Archdiocese of California.

As an Old Catholic, Faith-Based Monastery Church under the Old Catholic Church, we conduct daily Mass and offer prayers for various needs. Our services include weddings, funerals, baptisms, and ceremonies for people of all faiths. If you have any questions, please call +1-(650) 204-0211.

S.O.S.M.A. features a Seminary for priest formation and Exorcism Studies for clergy appointed by their bishops. Our affiliated seminary is St. Charles Borromeo Seminary ( [https://sgecc.org/SCBSeminary/](https://sgecc.org/SCBSeminary/). Note that Archbishop Torres conducts exorcism training separately.

Our Archdiocese operates 24/7, and priests are available at any time. In case of sickness or someone passing away, call +1-(707) 652-8490. During the Lenten Season, the San Francisco Diocese is open 24/7 for similar needs.

Every day, a Mass is given to communities and departed souls seeking forgiveness for their sins.

Leadership includes Rev. Archbishop Kenneth Torres, D.D., Reverend Mother Talia Samedi, Rev. Archbishop Cristian Piedrahita, and Ret. Rev. Archbishop Matthew J. Rawcliffe.

S.O.S.M.A. USA, founded by Rev. Archbishop Michael R. Vendegna and Archbishop Matthew J. Rawcliffe, has administrators in various states, including Archbishop Kenneth Torres and Archbishop Cristian Camilo Piedrahita. We are part of the United Episcopal Catholic Communion of the Solomonic Order Of Saint Michael The Archangel USA.

We welcome individuals of all faiths to consider becoming ordained clergy or joining us. For information, contact Archbishop Kenneth Torres, D.D., at +1 (707) 652-8490.

We are not affiliated with the Vatican/Rome, but our recognition is based on Pope John Paul II's "DOMINUS IESUS," issued on June 16, 2000. The Roman Catholic Church acknowledges our ties through apostolic succession and a valid Eucharist.

[Link to "DOMINUS IESUS"](https://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000806_dominus-iesus_en.html)

About Us imageAbout Us imageAbout Us image
Clergy of the S.O.S.M.A USA

 Prior General, Archbishop Kenneth Torres D.D. 
 S.O.S.M.A / S.O.S.M
 Chief Exorcist / Formation at SOSMA Seminary/ Chaplain
Fr. Kenneth Torres, D.D., MPC, is a Wounded United States Marine veteran in California. He was ordained as clergy with SOSMA on May 06, 2021, and as a deacon with The Solomonic Order of Saint Michael the Archangel Religious Order on May 14, 2021.
Additionally, he is a member of The Solomonic Order of Saint Michael the Archangel and currently serves as the Archbishop of their California Diocese. Initially, he was ordained as a priest with The Solomonic Order of Saint Michael the Archangel in South Carolina on August 08, 2021.
Father Kenneth also serves as Chaplain in their Chaplain Corps and is responsible for the Formation and orientation of those attending their seminary program.
In 2023, Bishop Torres was appointed as the Chief Exorcist by former Archbishop Matthew Rawcliffe.
He also serves as the Presiding authority of S.O.S.M.A., The Seminary, and the Formation of new Deacons and Priests.
He holds a Doctorate of Divinity and a Master's in Pastoral Counseling.
He is an American Association of Christian Counselors member and a board-certified mental health coach.
On June 12, 2022, he was appointed as the Prior General of their Archdiocese.

Archbishop Cristian Camilo Piedrahita Montoya S.O.S.M.A
Archbishop Cristian is the esteemed Chief Exorcist and Archbishop of SOSMA International. He is a dedicated member of the Clergy of SOSMA and was consecrated as Archbishop on September 25th, 2021, in our newly established diocese in Columbia, South America. With strong faith and impressive credentials, Archbishop Cristian is a Lutheran Archbishop and skilled Exorcist, bringing great expertise to the Order in Columbia. He also holds the position of Assistant Chief Exorcist within the Solomonic Order of Saint Michael the Archangel International. In his leadership role, Archbishop Cristian oversees the operations and activities of SOSMA International, ensuring the mission and goals of the Order are carried out with excellence and integrity.

Mother Superior Sister Talia Samedi S.O.S.M.A
Sister Talia is the mother superior of our nuns at our parish and the assistant to The Prior General, Archbishop Ken Torres, D.D. Together, they oversee the operations of our entire order. If you have any questions or need help, please get in touch with Sister Talia. mothersuperior@sosmausa.com

Deacon Ron Stokes

Ron Stokes is a former Episcopalian acolyte who dedicated many years to serving God and his community by spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. He has transferred to the SOSMA and is undergoing formation for the priesthood. Ron's area of expertise is demonology, and he uses his knowledge to train and mentor individuals about the perils of engaging in the occult.

Deacon Neil Amerson

Deacon Neil Amerson, a former Pentecostal church member, is training to become a priest. In addition to his studies, he is actively involved in our Chaplaincy for Truckers program, providing spiritual guidance to fellow truckers while on the road. Neil is a valuable member of the Georgia Diocese.

 Vicaress Mother, Savannah Romero

Savannah is a valuable resource for our sisterhood, providing a wealth of experience in her ministry. As Mother Superior's assistant, she will work alongside Her to recruit and train new Sisters. In addition, she is involved in counseling for drug and alcohol addiction.


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 the order of Exorcists image the order of Exorcists image
We are Affiliated with the Sacred Order of St. Michael the Archangel,  SOSM
Founded by Archbishop Ron Feyl and started in 1982.
For more information, please visit their website

Archbishop Matthew J. Rawcliffe (Retired)

Retired Clergy

Archbishop Matthew J. Rawcliffe (Retired) is a former clergy member who dedicated many years of service to the church. With his extensive knowledge and experience in religious matters, he held a significant position of authority and leadership within the clergy. As a retired clergy, Matthew J. Rawcliffe continues to contribute to the community by providing guidance, wisdom, and support to others on their spiritual journey.

Frequently asked questions imageFrequently asked questions imageFrequently asked questions image
Is the Old Catholic Church truly Catholic?

Indeed, there are several manifestations of Catholicism, and numerous denominations exist within the universal "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church" professed by all. Although the Roman Catholic Church is the most significant and familiar expression of Catholicism worldwide, in regions like Asia and Eastern Europe, the Orthodox Catholic Church is a prominent presence. This Orthodox Catholic Church boasts over 300 million followers and historically excommunicated the Roman Catholic Church in 1054 A.D. due to doctrinal disagreements such as the use of unleavened bread and the practice of clerical celibacy.

What unites all Catholic churches?

All Catholic and most Christian communities affirm their belief in the "one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church." Interacting as sister churches, these congregations uphold the idea that individuals join the single Body of Christ through baptism and receive sustenance through the Eucharist. Additionally, the apostolic tradition teaches the celebration of sacraments during significant life moments.

As siblings in the same family, these churches share commonalities while also possessing distinctions. Typically, our variations are related to governance and discipline, though some differences touch on theological and ecclesiological matters. Such diversity among sisters is natural, emphasizing that not all churches are identical. Nevertheless, we remain connected by our shared values: baptism, Eucharist, and apostolic succession.

How can Old Catholic churches assert their apostolic roots?

The fundamental criterion for any Catholic church is its adherence to apostolic succession. Most Old Catholic church bishops have been consecrated validly by other bishops, and authentic lines of succession trace back to the apostles. These lines often derive from sources within the Roman Catholic Church, the Old Catholic Church, the Malankara/Syrian/Jacobite Churches, and various Orthodox Churches.
I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth, and all things visible and invisible.
And in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages. Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father, through Whom all things were made.
Who, for us men and salvation, came down from heaven and was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary and became man.
He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate and suffered and was buried.
He rose on the third day, according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father;
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. His kingdom shall have no end.
And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Creator of Life, Who proceeds from the Father, Who, with the Father and the Son, is worshipped and glorified, and Who spoke through the Prophets.
In one, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
I acknowledge one Baptism for the remission of sins.
I look for the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the age to come.
How to pray the ROSARY image
1. Say the Creed.
2. Say the Our Father.
3. Say three Hail Marys.
4. Say the Glory be to the Father.
5. Announce the Mystery, then say the Our Father.
6. Say ten Hail Marys while meditating on the Mystery.
7. Say the Glory be.
8. Say the Fatima Decade Prayer.

After the last decade, say the Hail Holy Queen, the versicle, and the concluding prayer.

Make the sign of the cross to conclude the devotion.
  • 1830 Springs Road, Vallejo, California, 94591, Private Mailbox # 313
  • Attention: The Solomonic Order of St. Michael.

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